Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sentinel V Revolution Heartgard V. Interceptor V. Sentinel V. Revolution?

Heartgard v. interceptor v. sentinel v. revolution? - sentinel v revolution

What is to prevent the election?


anon said...

Heartgard ... my vet recommended.

Some people like Sentinel B / C is associated with the prevention of fleas. However, this is not no problem with Sentinel and bullets to kill adult fleas, eggs, with just under.

Anonymous said...

Here's a site that the various chips / products compares the fight against ticks ... Scroll to the letter: ...

I prefer organic immediately, because it protects against many things that others do not.

I am sure that the dogs are at the heart against mosquitoes, bio-protection against mosquitoes, soooo ...

Anonymous said...

Here's a site that the various chips / products compares the fight against ticks ... Scroll to the letter: ...

I prefer organic immediately, because it protects against many things that others do not.

I am sure that the dogs are at the heart against mosquitoes, bio-protection against mosquitoes, soooo ...

allisonc... said...

Personally, I use for my pets revolution, and I recommend it to all my customers. My rationale is that for heart worm and flea and tick protection such as drugs and Heart Guard does not protect against a broad range of parasites than any other brand, and especially that it is relatively cheap compared with other brands. It worked very well for my animals and my customers. I do not sell or sentinel surveillance in my clinic, but I would not recommend to people, because of the problems that I saw how these two treatments. Heart Guard with some sort of flea prevention (such as Frontline) and good works, but I prefer the revolution, because you get both the prevention (MORE parasites more) for less money.

china said...

I agree with Allison, but I will add that also clear the ear mite. I recommend Revolution.

kanniece said...

Heartgard love my dog thinks it is a pleasure and so easy to give, not a preventive heart of New worm has also been shown that one of its reputation ivermectin, which is what I will try try to have had if all Heartgard. The revolution is not good for the protection of the tick, it offers protection against scabies and ear mites, the skin can cause itching, Sentinel is goo for the protection of heart worm and fleas, but no protection against ticks, as you and Heartgard Only some of the heart and the protection of intestinal worms enter when it is used chip continues to tick gut and prevention

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